Online Money Making

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Why 99% of Dropshippers Fail?

12:30 AM
Why 99% of Dropshippers Fail?

Why 99% of Dropshippers Fail

When I start my dropshipping business, I start searching for everything about it on the internet. That is what anyone does. These are a few things I found in my search.

 How I earned $1000 a day?
 How I earned $100000 in 30 days?
 How to find winning products that make you a billionaire?

After reading those articles, I thought, "Wow, this is easy. I will be earning $1000 a day by next month". But I was wrong at that point. You may have the same experience when you begin your dropshipping business. If you start dropshipping with the idea that was taken from those misleading information, you will definitely fail. Information you find on the internet says how successful they are, but they never talk about how long they failed to get to that point.

Yes, it is possible to start a dropshipping store and earn $1000 a day by next month. If so, then it is not his/her first dropshipping store. In the beginning, 99% of drop shippers fail. They must spend time and money on experimenting and learning many things that they need to know in order to earn from it. 

Most successful drop shippers have multiple stores, and they have failed for a long time, spent a lot of money on advertising to identify right advertising strategies, figure out which products to sell, etc. It is the experience, the knowledge you gather during the first few months, and the personal growth that build you from zero to hero. People spend hundreds of dollars on advertising to get their first sale. So, never think about starting a dropshipping store with the last $100 in your bank account to become a millionaire next month. If you do not have money to spend on advertising, no need to worry. Just remember you can spend your time building a good community on social media and promote your products to that community without spending a single dollar.

If you know the story behind the success stories you find on the internet when you face your first failure in the business, you know that it is normal and continue trying. It is your mind that drives you to success or the end of the business. If you fear failure more than you desire success, dropshipping is not the right choice for you. It is not finding winning products, selecting the best theme or the ad strategy. The first step to becoming a successful drop shipper is making the right mindset. 

Most people do not get even a single sale from their first ad campaign. There are many reasons that can cause failure at this point. Maybe the store, or the advertising strategy, or the winning product that you have selected fail. This is the point you start learning with experimenting with different products, ad strategies, store types, different products, etc. Each failure is a new lesson for your carrier. Take the risk of failing. Learn from them. Failure is one step closer to success. The premium you get for taking risks is higher than you think.

Fix the problems quickly. If your Facebook ad fails and you did not get any sale from it, then look for the reason why that didn't work. Maybe you are targeting the wrong audience, or your advertisement is not creative enough to bring sales. Spending money again and again on an ad that won't work makes the situation worst. You must identify the problem and fix it quickly before spending more money on that ad.

Do not try to copy other stores. Spend more time on research for successful solutions in each time you identify a new problem. A successful store is not just about the appearance and the products sell in that store. It is about a whole bunch of facts that connect together and managed with the right knowledge and experience gathered throughout months of the journey. 


Monday, April 6, 2020

Online Jobs vs Online Business

7:52 AM
Online Jobs vs Online Business

When it comes to online earning, some people earn from online jobs while some others earn doing online business. Let's look deep into these two options to understand what is the best option for you.

In today's world, there are thousands of options for online jobs and famous online job offering web sites such as Freelancer, Fiver, Upwork, etc. Most people looking for online jobs because there is no need to make an investment, and the payment is guaranteed when the job is done. If you have some skills but don't want to make an investment, online job is the best fit for you to do specific tasks and get a payment from home. 

There are some web sites like "" where you can post the skills you have such as web design, graphic design, programming, photo editing, data entry, etc and get jobs from them. Online jobs may give you some money, the freedom and the flexibility you expect, but you should remember that you are still working for someone else.

Most people make money only to pay the bills and cover their day to day expenses. Only a few want to make a fortune.


People who look for a good fortune are interested in doing online business because of the huge potential to make big money by doing a business. Online business will definitely require an investment or an initial cost. The reason that most people do not want to start a business is no guarantee of money. This is challenging for some.  But people with an entrepreneurial mindset who always tries to develop new skills and personal growth, it is only a matter of time.

Earning money with an online job, you do not really make a personal growth or better mindset. It is jus taking consistent actions to complete the tasks you get. You do not develop any skill and get used to finding more and more jobs for the skills that you already have. 

In an online business, the reward you get is unbelievable. From a personal growth perspective, you will change as a person. You will become a better person with the way you think, the way you make decisions, your mindset definitely be changed. It is not just making money.

When I start my online business, I started a constant learning process and searched as many learning resources as I could, I learnt everything I should know to take my business to a new level. I gather knowledge about Dropshipping, SEO, Content Writing, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Social Media Marketing, Research Tools, and so many things. I got my self a value than I ever had by developing this most valuable skillset in today's world. My decision making and thinking pattern got changed. I could feel that development and it is real. This is an experience everyone must-have.

There is huge potential when you make money. Depending on your industry, knowledge you gather, skills you develop, and how much you work on it you will earn even more than hundred thousands of dollars a month with your business. Online is everything today. If you learn and develop your skills related to online industries such as social media marketing and SEO(Search Engine Optimization), it is like you have the ability to print money yourself. With this skill, you also can give your service to other businesses and earn more and more money other than developing your own business.

With an online business, you are your own boss. If you have the right skill set, you can generate money 24/7 even though you are actually not working. If you dream big, online business is the best match for you.

These are some main features of online jobs and online business. There is nothing right or wrong decision to make a choice between these two options. It depends on your desires, your lifestyle, your goals, and what fits you. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Content Writing Principles

1:00 AM
Content Writing Principles

You are here because you are a content writer or you are excited to know what is content writing. 

When you creating content, be your self. Always try to reflect a strong personality from your writings that makes your audience eager to read your articles more. If you have strong personal opinions that are not relevant to the topic or your target audience, just keep them away. Be neutral through your content.

If you are blogging about animals and your target audience is animal lovers, but you hate cats, you are not going to write about how much you hate cats. There will be many people who love cats more than any other animal. As a content writer, what you write must make your audience feel good.
Keep the flow smooth. Avoid sentences that are too long which make the reader confused or not understand the point you make at all. When you proofread and you find this type of sentences, break it down and make them understandable. Short sentences are more powerful and they stand out. To make your content more natural and more rhythmic, vary the length of sentences on a paragraph. 

The same thing applies to paragraphs. Don't write too much long paragraphs or a number of short paragraphs. Vary the length of every paragraph you write. If they are too long, readers will get bored and leave.

Don't use repetitions and the same words too often in your articles. Readers get bored when reading the same thing again and again. 

Write a balanced introduction, body and conclusion for your topic. You should always use headings and sub-headings to make the article more structured and to improve the SEO. You are writing content because you have something to bring out to the world. To do that right, you have to keep the reader read the article till the end. Make the content more interesting during the flow to keep them reading until the end.

Target your content to your target audience. Decide how much information they need. If it is not necessary to provide too much technical information, then avoid that. Good content writing is not concerned with the length of an article. Frame your content only to what is necessary and relevant to your target audience.

You don't need many words to bring a message to the world. Write to the point. Pay attention to the following sentence.

Environmental pollution is somewhat bad in this area.
I think now is the time to change.
These are not powerful sentences. The writer must have confidence in what he/she writing. This type of words makes the reader confused and ruin the point that you are going to prove. Question every word you write. Just remove all unnecessary words. Take a look at these.

Environmental pollution is bad in this area.
Now is the time to change.
Can you feel how powerful those sentences to the reader and how confident the writer about the point he/she makes without those unnecessary words? That is how quality content looks like. 

Always follow these principles in your content not only to develop quality content but to bring your personality out to the world.